About what we do...

Terri Bassett, a television industry veteran, founded Regalis in 2002 with the mission to create visual media for organizations and companies that were helping to make the world a better place. Lucky for us many companies are, in fact, doing just that these days. We’ve worked with companies large and small, as well as, partnering with some excellent agencies and design firms.

We have a conservation education division that creates exciting, motivating and environmentally focused educational experiences for kids. And we’ve won a few awards for that kind of thing as well.

Our Watertower division works with the movie and television industry to create emotive motion design. And we have to say that we’ve garnered some very nice awards in this arena, too.

In a sense we design visual media in all its mediums from print to web and from mobile devices to the big screen. And we’re pretty darn good writers and content creators, too.

Why all the butterflies and hummingbirds you ask?

Well, that’s where our name comes from. The stunning Evenus Regalis butterfly was the initial inspiration for Regalis. As we hit the books we discovered that all kinds of our favorite plants and animals had a representative named Regalis. It turns out we love all things Regalis - hawks, hummingbirds, ferns, flowers and even long-extinct species. The combination of the beautiful, the rare and the unusual seemed a perfect match for what we aspire to do. Voilá. Regalis was born.

{our awards}

Clients include (but of course are not limited to)

  • National Geographic
  • Warner Brothers Studios
  • CBS, Inc.
  • Nordstrom
  • Microsoft
  • Starz Entertainment
  • Tribune Broadcasting
  • Seattle Children’s Hospital
  • Woodland Park Zoo - Seattle
  • Seattle Aquarium
  • Snow Leopard Trust
  • Sierra Club - National
  • WA Dept. of Fish and Wildlife
  • Seattle Parks and Recreation
  • Cascade Land Conservancy
  • Catalina Island Conservancy
  • Seattle Parks and Recreation